289. Daniel Wilke, Jr.

Daniel Wilke Jr. was diagnosed a year ago with stage 4 colon cancer. He is on chemo for life and the doctor recently told him he will never ring the “ bell”. He still tries to work even with being in and out of the hospitals and of late his magnesium level has gone critally low and needs infusions 1-3x a week.

Daniel made a wish to spend time with his wife and daughter at the Grand Hotel in Warren, Ohio (only 45 minutes from where they live)  to just have quiet time together. This hotel is close enough to his doctors and has a pool, golf course and yoga and spa for him to relax. His wife loves this man with all her heart and submitted the wish for him.

Stella’s Wish Foundation has granted Daniel’s wish and is sending the family to spend a few nights at the Grand Hotel to relax and enjoy time together.

hotel wish granted