265. Teresa Marsh

Teresa Marsh has Stage 4 Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma cancer and 10 tumors. It is rare, so she has to travel back and forth to Philadelphia to the University of Pennsylvania hospitals and to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.

Her son is a junior in high school. This year has been especially hard for them. Teresa had to take early retirement from her school principal job.The oncologist said she might be able to see her son graduate from high school in a year, but they aren’t sure. He’s been very worried.

Next fall, both of her kids will be in college, and she will miss them a lot. Teresa wished for a MacBook or laptop so that she can FaceTime them and stay connected, hopefully something that she can carry between her craft room and bedroom.

Teresa’s wish is being granted and an Ipad is being sent to her!

Using Ipad