261. Jack Eldredge

Jack Eldredge’s daughter submitted a wish on his behalf. Jack has been recently diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer that has metastasized to his hip, shoulder, and brain.  He received his first chemo treatment in June 2022 through August 2022. It was a great response. However, in October 2022 the doctors found that the cancer had spread in his brain. Therefore, his whole brain radiation treatment started in October as well.   Jack has been a life-long Chiefs fan, born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri.  His daughter asked for a special experience at a Chiefs home game. Due to his condition, he would need a handicap parking spot and wheelchair, and would need to be seated in a weather-protected area.

Stella’s Wish Foundation has arranged for Jack and six family members to attend the Kansas City Chiefs game on Dec 24th and two people will also get to go on to the field before the game!