256. Amanda King

Amanda has been battling metastatic colon cancer that has moved to her liver and lungs. Over the past three years, she has been through multiple surgeries, several rounds of chemo, and radiation. Last night the doctors have stated her cancer is very aggressive and has worsened over the past two months despite her many treatments she has gone through. She is in pain every day and her cognition is declining.

Her sister wrote, “My sister is one of the kindest people one would ever meet. She loves her kids and grandkids. Has never smoked, never partied, and believes in the good Lord above. Life for her hasn’t always been easy but she has made the best with what she has.”

When Amanda found out her cancer had spread to her liver, she mentioned that she wants to see the ocean before she passes and enjoy spending time on the beach with her family. Financially, she will be unable to do this without assistance. Her sister submitted a wish on her behalf.

Stella’s Wish Foundation is granting her wish: Amanda and her husband will travel to Myrtle Beach after Thanksgiving.
