247. Brooke Baldwin

Brooke, age 25, had her brain cancer return just 2 months after her wedding in 2021. She has a stage 4 astrocytoma (or glioblastoma). She has had a difficult recovery since her craniotomy in September and has deficits in speech and motor function on her right side. She has had radiation, chemo and recently completed an immunotherapy to try to manage the brain swelling she has been plagued with. She will likely be on disability for the rest of her life. This has been particularly difficult for someone like her who just a few years ago was a Big 12 collegiate level cheerleader at Texas Tech and used to be very active.

Her new husband has been by her side all the way and so supportive in her treatment and recovery. It’s not something any newlyweds should have to endure. Her treatment has been difficult so far and she has had some setbacks. Brain cancer is a relentless and devastating.

She has a loving husband and supportive family. She loves to travel but hasn’t been able to do much, since most of her time has been in therapy and treatment since the wedding. She would love to take her new husband to Chicago to show him where she grew up and some of her favorite places. Her parents made a wish for her, as they want to see her be able to make as many memories as possible.

Stella’s Wish is granting their wish and sending Brooke and her husband to Chicago.
