220. Janetta Gallagher

Janetta Gallagher was going through Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer chemo treatments and made friends with another patient undergoing the same.  Her new friend submitted a wish on her behalf, as something she’s always wanted to do but could not afford. Janetta (“Janey”) has her husband, a son, and twin girls. The twin girls live with Janetta to help take care of her. They both work hard and hand over their paychecks to help with Janetta’s expenses. Her husband has to take the day off work every week to take Janetta to her treatments as well as time off for all her doctor appointments and procedures.

Janetta asked to attend a football game (Irish vs. Navy or Tenn. vs. Georgia) and to be able to get her final family picture on the 50 yard line. However, her numbers during chemo have not been going so well, so she had another idea that could be done sooner.

Stella’s Wish Foundation will send the family on Cincinnati’s Ohio River Dinner Cruise, where they can also take a good  family photo.

Ohio River