179. Beverly Osterberg

Unable to travel last year after her terminal cancer diagnosis, Beverly Osterberg has fought hard to reconcile her diagnosis to a joy-filled life this side of eternity. Her dream has been to take a train trip to New York and feels up for a trip now.

Beverly is a strong, independent woman. She does not have a caregiver but she selflessly cares for family, friends and neighbors in her community. She comes by it quite naturally. She made caregiving her career and provided love and support to people who were otherwise ignored by society. She was frontline staff for homeless people placed in a mental health facility. She was doing this work at the time of her diagnosis. She tried to continue her work with homeless people until her body would not let her do it anymore.

Beverly has now turned more of her attention to family, friends and neighbors. She inspires the Excell hospice team because they can see that even though she does not have a caregiver, she has made it her mission to care for her community. Excell arranged for an interview with a local magazine called Caregiver magazine because they feel Beverly’s story is incredible and they want to her empower her to tell it for the magazine. They requested assistance in granted her wish so that she can take the train trip she has been hoping for.

Beverly Osterberg’s wish is being granted; Stella’s Wish Foundation has given her a $500 gift card to help cover the cost of a train ride from Oklahoma City to New York City.
